人によって、異なった顔の輪郭があります。 色々な理由で自分の輪郭が好きでないかもしれません。
少ししかあり過ぎるというとき、 鼻橋からほおと顎までどんな領域も上げるために、多くの異なった顔を変わられます。 形成外科の領域で、美容外科師はフィラーを注ぐことによって、代用の解決方法を提供できます。
鼻筋がフィラーでどう高くするかに関する例 (ジュビダーム):
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あまりに多くがあるとき、私たちは減少に関して話します。 鼻は減少できて、頬骨か咀嚼骨もそうです。 一方、これは主要な形成外科であり、かなりの危険を冒しています。 過去数年間、正方形の、または、角張っている顔を持っている多くの東洋の人々がそれらにボトクッスが咀嚼骨を注入されました。 これは、よりスリムで楕円形の顔で劇的な改善をもたらしました、そして、多くの形成外科が避けられました。
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顔の皮膚が、たるんでいるとき、顔は太っているに見えます。人は顔の皮膚の締めるのに関して話します。 これは伝統的に外科の美容整形手術で達成されますが、様々な皮膚引き締める方法でもできます。 より若い年令のときに防止として治療をして、10年か20年後にたぶん、美容整形手術を必要がないかもしれません。 アブレーティブレーザー、ノンアブレーティブレーザー、無線周波数レーザーなど、利用可能な多くの皮膚締める処理があります。 2007-2008で最も新しい型,は フラクショナルCO2レーザーです。そのきれいに仕上げるには、伝統的なCO2レーザー皮膚きれいに仕上げるのゴールデンスタンダートの近くで結果を与えますが、4-7日間の回復時間がかかるだけです。
Sunken Temples
Due to the natural shape of our skull, the temples are normally sunken. Some people have high cheek bones which make the temples look more sunken. In the majority, as we age and the collagen is lost, the subcutaneous supporting tissues will shrink and result in the same sunkenness.
Sunken temples will have two consequences in our cosmetic appearance:
First, sunken temples make the facial contour irregular and add a fierce appearance to the look.
Second, sunken temples fail to support the facial skin below, plus other factors that age the skin at the same time, will exaggerate the sagging appearance. The upper eyelids look heavy and saggy, the tear trough, naso-labial folds, marionette lines will all deepen. The jowls will sag and the neck silhouette is lost.
Large molecule Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler has been used with great success but it is more recommended now to use Sculptra for this purpose because the result is more natural and is also more cost efficient.

Total 5 vials of Sculptra done in 4 sessions
Sunken Cheeks
Like the sunken temples, some people are born with a flat cheek bone, so that the cheeks look hollow. Sometimes we refer the cheek as an apple because when we are younger we have some fat pad in that area and when a child smiles, it bulks up like an apple.
Actually when we all age, the collagen is lost and the fat pad as well as the subcutis migrates downwards due to gravity, and the cheeks will definitely look more flat and sunken.
Apart from negatively affecting the facial shape, this also makes worse the swollen eye bags, tear troughs, naso-labial folds, and sagging appearance, giving an old and tired look.

Large molecule Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler has been used with great success but it is more recommended now to use Sculptra for this purpose because the result is more natural and is also more cost efficient.
However, Sculptra should not be injected above the cheeks into the orbit / eye bags area, otherwise there is a high chance of causing some ugly looking fibrous lumps, and again it is important to go to an experienced cosmetic doctor.

Sunken Under-eyes
Normally the lower portion of the orbit is filled with fat pad which acts as a cushion and support to the eyeballs.
When there is too much fat tissue, or if it shifts forwards in its position, it will cause a swollen eye bag. On the contrary, when we age, the fatty tissue may degenerate and shrink, same in a person who may be excessively under-weight, then it will give a hollow bony appearance with deep tear troughs and dark eye circles.

To deal with this, we can inject a small amount of To deal with this, we can inject a small amount of to fill it up with great result. However,Sculptra should not be used in this area. Some doctor will also use autologous fat transfer.

Chewing Muscles Hypertrophy
Oriental people particularly the Koreans have a boarder and shorter facial contour and therefore when the jaw and chewing muscles is enlarged, the face will appear in a very square or pentagonal shape which is cosmetically not desirable.
The cause of this square shape can be an over-size mandible, particularly at the corner, or due to a large bulky chewing muscle. This large chewing muscle is usually a result of excessive chewing of tough food stuffs like chewing gums or dry squid, or involuntary teeth grinding during sleep.
To make this chewing muscle smaller, it is simple only to inject Botulinum into it,and the muscle bulk will slower get smaller over the next few weeks. The result is a smaller, longer and more oval looking face contour. Hence a lot of aggressive surgery can be avoided.
A case of classic improvement in facial contour with Botulinum:
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Flat Nose Bridge
Oriental people in general have a flatter nose bridge and this is usually regarded as less attractive, and plastic surgeon will insert an implant to augment it making it higher. However, very often this may be overdone with a disproportionally high nose bridge, and appears too sharp too straight, with an obvious fake perception. The overall cosmetic appearance of the nose also depends on the nose flares, nose tip, and the area connecting the nose bridge and the eyebrows, which may not have an implant that can be inserted.
Apart from a flat nose bridge, sometimes the nose can be affected with a bony bump along the nose bridge or that the nose bridge is skewed.
For many years, the Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler is the main material that is used to augment the nose bridge. There is also another material called Radiesse but in terms of result and safety profile, Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler is still the better choice.
Most doctors still inject the Dermal Filler in multiple injection points using a small size needle. This method of injection has a very high chance of causing bruises, and what is more, has a real risk of injecting the Dermal Filler into a blood vessel, with the dreadful consequence of causing tissue necrosis. Therefore, it is highly recommended to inject with a blunt tip cannula which causes no bruise in almost all cases, is safer, and the final result is also more straight and natural.
Recently augmentation of the nose bridge using PDO Thread Lift is getting more popular. A small puncture is made at the nose tip and the thread is inserted up the nose bridge with a cannula. Multiple threads are needed. The result will gradually come on in 1 to 3 months, and perhaps can be even better than using Dermal Filler, particularly in those cases where too much Dermal Filler will make the upper nose bridge too swollen and too wide.
A case of augmentation using Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler :
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Small Retracted Chin
Looking from the front the chin can be too small and short, and looking from the side, it can be too retracted backwards. This is mainly a result of the facial bone structure we are born with.

When the jaw or the chin is too small, short, and retracted, the ratio of the facial contour is changed with a less attractive appearance. Plastic surgeon can insert a chin implant, but if the deficit is not too much then injecting with Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler is enough to create a significant improvement.
Many people request Dermal Filler augmentation because of a flat looking or skewed chin. What they are hoping to achieve is a rounder, more pointed, or merely more symmetrical looking chin.
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However, sometimes the injection is done with too much in the centre of the chin, without paying attention to the overall ratio of the jaw, giving the chin a weird curve and over pointedness. It is corrected by filling in the sides of the jaw as in this case:
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Thin Lips
Full lips usually curve upwards slightly and give a young, vibrant and sexy appeal. When we age the connective tissue in the lips will shrink, then because of the facial skin above in the mid-face also becomes saggy downwards, the upper lip is allowed to roll inwards. The overall effect is a thin, flat and even downward curving upper lip, giving a sad look.
Improvement need to be done as an overall consideration. The temples and the cheeks can be hold up with more support by injecting Sculptra, while the lips can be augmented with Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler.